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Web3 generation is changing the U.S. political agenda previously defined by boomers

Igor Grigorchenko

News editor

Oct 3, 2022 at 06:39

A new report suggests that, in key swing states of the USA, more voters now hold digital assets than union membership. Web3 could be a key issue for voters in swing states during the midterm elections next month.

Study Subject

In a new original study from Morning Consult, experts tried to figure out how the increasing influx of so-called “Web3 Voters” (as well as the intrusion of crypto values) affects voting results. The study used four specific states (the so-called swing states, also known as battleground states), which are key to overall U.S. voting results. 

In particular, the researchers emphasize:

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The findings from the poll make clear that over 90% of voters express support for an internet that is community owned, community governed, and gives people greater control over their information. Significantly, and reflective of how the values that voters associate with Web3 will drive electoral behavior, voters are less likely to support candidates perceived as standing in the way of a decentralized internet. 

In other words, as both parties consider how good Web3 policy will translate into good politics, the values of Web3 are what voters want to see elected officials supporting, not standing in the way of.

Main conclusions 

The complete study is available here (in video format); we give you just some of the conclusions.

Nearly one in five voters own digital assets:

Morning Consult / Haun Ventures

Voters across the political spectrum are more likely to oppose candidates who stand in the way of a decentralized internet:

Morning Consult / Haun Ventures

Voters view Web3 as both a response to an unfair economic system and a positive alternative to Big Tech monopolies:

  • 75% of voters agree that Big Tech has too much power over people’s lives and favor greater individual autonomy and digital decentralization.
  • 72% of voters who own digital assets say they do so because they want an economic system that is more democratized, fair, and works for more people.
Morning Consult / Haun Ventures

The Web3 Voter is middle class and represents a younger, more diverse voting demographic:

  • 80% of the Web3 Voters have incomes under $100k.
Morning Consult / Haun Ventures

All this plenty of data gives multiple interpretations and predictions. Still, at least we can summarize that the world is clearly changing, and we have to live in a very interesting digital time.


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