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Keep your money safe! Top crypto wallets in 2022

Andrew Zhoao

News editor

Aug 2, 2022 at 07:19

Bitcoin hardware wallet maker Ledger is in talks to raise $100 million, a sign of the company’s business growth. Interestingly, this is happening despite a still unstable market and a series of bankruptcies. As a result, investors have begun to move to so-called hardware wallets. 

Types of crypto wallets

There are the following types of wallets:

  • Hardware. Keys are stored on a removable storage device like a USB. Due to their autonomy, they are considered the safest, most reliable, and, therefore, the most expensive.
  • Desktop. The most popular among customers because of its usability, as well as its functionality and reliability. With such a wallet, an investor downloads a unique program to his computer media, which acts as a wallet. All funds in such a cryptocurrency will be lost if the password is lost. Then it is worth duplicating the password key or having a desktop wallet double just in case.
  • Online and mobile. The main advantage is their accessibility. There are considered the least secure because they are constantly connected to the Internet, which makes them an excellent target for fraudsters. When using mobile wallets, there is also the risk of losing the device. Among the pluses is that users can manage their funds without being tied to a specific location.
  • Paper. Hardest to hack but can be challenging to use, especially for beginners. Also, from the risk of the possibility of physically losing cryptocurrency, for example, you can lose a wallet with fiat.

Depending on the ability to connect to the network, there is also a distinction between hot and cold cryptocurrency vaults.

  • Hot cryptocurrency wallets are those that have constant access to the Internet.
  • Cold ones are not connected to the Internet. Due to their unique architecture, cold crypto vaults are more resistant to all kinds of external hacks.

The best crypto wallets has published a list of the best crypto wallets as of July 2022. Here they are.

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Pros and cons of Coinbase wallet
Pros and cons of Coinbase wallet. Source:
Pros and cons of Electrum wallet
Pros and cons of Electrum wallet. Source:
Pros and cons of Mycelium wallet
Pros and cons of Mycelium wallet. Source:
Pros and cons of Ledger Nano X wallet
Pros and cons of Ledger Nano X wallet. Source:
  • Exodus — best for desktop;
Pros and cons of Exodus wallet
Pros and cons of Exodus wallet. Source:
Pros and cons of MetaMask wallet
Pros and cons of MetaMask wallet. Source:
  • — best DeFi wallet. Has several layers of security, including biometric authentication, 2-factor authentication, and Secure Enclave technology on iOS devices. It also can create multiple digital wallets and import other wallets. Users can connect to other decentralized apps through the WalletConnect tool.

Competition in the market is growing every day and, in addition to the appearance of new products, there is the continuous upgrading of existing ones. However, along with improving the wallets themselves, the field of fraud is also developing. Attackers constantly update viruses, and hackers introduce new schemes to steal funds. You decide which one to choose, and most importantly, try to ensure that your money remains safe and sound.

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