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Is the mass adoption of crypto speeding up? Two new studies to back this up

Igor Grigorchenko

News editor

Jun 10, 2022 at 05:38

We often hear sarcasm from skeptics who say that crypto is just a bubble and a temporary phenomenon, but what do the numbers and studies say? The following are two new research studies that argue that society’s mass adoption of cryptocurrencies is growing rapidly.

The volume of processed cryptocurrencies sets a record

CoinsPaid showed an all-time high growth in volume and number of crypto transactions in early 2022. A total of 6.5 million payments amounting to €4.5 billion were processed from January to May. Overall, the payment volume increased by 263% (3.6 times) compared to Q1 2021, and the number of transactions increased 2.3 times.

Interestingly, the amount of CoinsPaid payments at least doubles every year. The company also handles 8% of on-chain transactions on the bitcoin network. 

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Source: CoinsPaid

Considering that CoinsPaid is currently the world leader in processing crypto payments, this growth is very representative of the rate of cryptocurrency adoption. According to these figures, the rate of crypto mass adoption is noticeably accelerating.

Is mass adoption on the horizon?

Another recent study nicely supports these numbers.

 Blockware Intelligence conducted its own research and found that bitcoin, like the internet and social media, benefits from “network effects — where wider adoption of a particular asset or technology automatically drives up its price.

 The analysts examined the historical adoption curves of nine previous breakthrough technologies (including cars, smartphones, the Internet, and social networks), as well as the rate of BTC adoption since 2009. Analysts found that the global adoption of BTC will reach at least 10 percent of the world’s population by 2030.

Source: Blockware Intelligence

Blockware Intelligence noted that Bitcoin should achieve adoption much faster than many other breakthrough technologies, given the direct monetary stimulus and the fact that adoption growth will be accelerated by another technology — the internet. Bitcoin and the internet form a synergy where one medium shares its value and benefits with the other, creating a synthesis.

And finally, does anyone doubt that crypto has come seriously and for a long time?

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