Categories: Useful to know

Best Crypto Movies to Watch

Published by
Vitalii Mikheikin

As a cryptocurrency fan, it is beneficial to comprehend the history and current trends of Blockchain technology. However, Blockchain has advanced rapidly in the last decade and cannot be covered in a single hour.

Even so, you may have a hazy understanding of cryptos and how they function. This is where bitcoin films and documentaries come into play. In a couple of hours, you may discover the history, sorts of currencies, and probable future of the crypto world thanks to these cultural creations. If you want a crash lesson in crypto technology, one of these films is your best bet. Furthermore, Liquid is always there to assist you in comprehending the complicated world of Blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Due to the sheer number of films and tv programmes on the subject, compiling a suitable selection may take some time. We’ve got you covered there, too. We’ve compiled a selection of the greatest bitcoin documentaries and movies to watch in 2021. We encourage you to give them a go, whether you’re a novice or an expert. And what better approach to learning as much as possible about crypto than to watch a few television shows and movies? After all, who seems to have time to read a 300-page book about Blockchain? You’ll learn significantly more by viewing a good primer, which can take less time than your everyday commute to work.

The Satoshi Mystery — The Story of Bitcoin (2021)

Amid the 2009 financial crisis, the anonymous Satoshi Nakamoto invented the first crypto, Bitcoin. Over a decade later, no one knows the true identity of Bitcoin’s founder. His final statement on Bitcointalk was posted on December 12, 2010, after which he vanished. Why would he hide his self-image despite the success of his invention?

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It is still a conundrum encased in a mystery within an enigma. “At the start of 2009, in the middle of the financial crisis, ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’ placed Bitcoin into circulation,” according to Arte’s latest series. He invented the first decentralized and trustworthy cryptocurrency. He vanished in 2011. The Mystery of Satoshi recounts the intriguing history of Bitcoin and blockchain technology through the eyes of its enigmatic founder.”

It’s a six-part program, each episode lasting ten to fifteen minutes and immersing viewers in the world of Bitcoin. It’s accessible in six dialects and free on Arte’s website. Episodes are also available on YouTube for individuals who speak French or German. Each episode is described briefly below.

· Episode 1: The Genesis of Bitcoin

The first episode of the series introduces viewers to Satoshi’s mystery identity and the basic concepts of Bitcoin. “I have been researching a revolutionary peer-to-peer electronic currency system with no trusted third party. My name is Satoshi Nakamoto, and even though you don’t know me, at least not yet, my creation will disrupt your life.”

According to Satoshi, the Internet first connected the globe but ultimately evolved into a tool of control. As a result, there was a need to develop an alternative, a new universe that would transform our lives while protecting our privacy.

· Episode 2: War Declaration

Satoshi first believed that by inventing Bitcoin, he had won the fight against banks and nations, but as we all know, it requires more than a few individuals to form an army.

Bitcoin suffered from a lack of attention during its early years, as most governments rejected it. However, others were eager to try it, and the episode recounts what is thought to be the first Bitcoin purchase, in which Laszlo Hanyecz purchased two pizzas in Jacksonville, Florida, for 10,000 BTC on May 22, 2010. Can you picture owning 10,000 BTC right now?

We also learn why Satoshi chose to leave the world. As Bitcoin gained popularity, the focus began to move to determine the identity of the Blockchain’s founder. Satoshi stopped talking after he received an email from Gavin Andressen in April 2011 in which he acknowledged a meeting scheduled with the CIA to discuss Bitcoin.

· Episode 3: The Impossible Citadel

A media frenzy erupted as many sought to discover Satoshi’s actual identity. While the media was certain that they had discovered the guy behind the Bitcoin curtain, Bitcoin grew in popularity. Because of Bitcoin’s open, trustless protocols, the Blockchain might continue to evolve without its inventor.

Aside from the media frenzy, the episode delves into a variety of technical elements of Bitcoin, such as the blockchain idea, Bitcoin mining, and also how transactions are confirmed.

· Episode 4: Money, Money, Money

Bitcoin’s value begins to surge, attracting the customary media attention centred on crypto’s nouveau riche and newly impoverished, who have gambled and won (or lost). Following Satoshi’s leave, other persons, most importantly Craig Wright, claimed to be the founder of Bitcoin. According to logic, whoever has access to all these millions of Bitcoins must be the originator of Bitcoin.

However, the quest for Bitcoin’s creator diverts attention away from the immense technological and societal innovation that underpins Bitcoin and the blockchain network.

· Episode 5: David vs Goliath

Bitcoin is no more just a quirky aberration; it is driving people to sit up and pay attention, particularly social media behemoths like Facebook. Major corporations have begun adopting Blockchain-based technology, with Fb announcing intentions to introduce its crypto, Libra, in 2019.

As viewers discover more about the potential of blockchain technology for establishing altcoins and decentralized systems, its success leads to a rush of new cryptocurrencies into the market.

· Episode 6: Apocalypse Empire

Governments are becoming more interested in cryptocurrencies as they see the promise or threat of Bitcoin. Some countries, such as China, are developing their own “digital central bank money.” However, China’s “e-yuan” (as do almost other government-backed digital currencies) represent the polar antithesis of Bitcoin and its underlying spirit of open-source, free, and anonymous. The stage has been prepared for a clash between cryptocurrency, Big Business, as well as Big Government, and we continue to watch it to this day.

Will the rise of cryptocurrency signal the end of the existing banking system or fiat currency as we know it? The series cannot potentially give answers, but it is a fantastic primer for anybody interested in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency growth.

Cryptopia: Bitcoin, Blockchains, and the Internet’s Future (2020)

Cryptopia: Bitcoin, Blockchain technologies, and the Future of the Internet, directed by Torsen Hoffmann, takes a fair perspective on the issue of Blockchain and cryptocurrency’s potential future. The documentary does an excellent job of describing the principles, debates, and developmental issues around digital currency.

It delves further into the complexities of the crypto sector, including the Bitcoin ecosystem’s good faith and unpleasant truth and how it overcomes such hurdles. Unlike any other crypto film, Cryptopia also teaches you essential lessons in long-term investment while introducing new crypto assets.

It is divided into three acts and provides a straightforward explanation of principles, even for those inexperienced in cryptocurrency, as well as presenting many viewpoints and numerous views in this revolutionary sector.

· Bitcoin (Act 1)

Hoffmann introduces us to the principles of Bitcoin, emphasizing its initial aim as a peer-to-peer payment system, after recapping some of the issues of existing financial systems in his previous documentary. Act 1 also explains why several large financial institutions and political organizations are anti-Bitcoin before going on to the spectacular rise in the market value of Bitcoin, which positions it as digital gold.

· Blockchains (Act 2)

Hoffmann discusses the concept of smart contracts, the Ethereum platform, and the numerous possibilities in Blockchain networks, seeking the unbiased perspectives of some of the renowned inventors of crypto coins. We may notice a movement in interest from one Blockchain to numerous blockchains in this case. Hoffmann also examines the importance of initial coin offerings (ICOs) for new projects, the introduction of new assets, and the surge of scammers into the cryptocurrency market.

· The Internet’s Future (Act 3)

In the final scene, Hoffmann compares the evolution of the Internet to the blockchain sector, addressing the Internet’s obstacles while emphasizing Blockchain’s ability to overcome them. The video finishes by considering decentralized finance (DeFi) as a viable way to prevent internet behemoths from dominating users’ information and identities.

Crypto (2019)

Crypto movies may address a wide range of topics. Cryptocurrency, for instance, has all the hallmarks of a Hollywood criminal drama. Take a look at the IMDb description: “A young Wall Street banker is sent back to his hometown and lured into investigating a convoluted network of fraud and corruption in Upstate New York, compromising both his private life and financial career.” There’s always been a link between cryptocurrency and unlawful activity, and John Stalberg Jr.’s film delves into the darker aspects of crypto. Beau Knapp, Alexis Bledel, and Kurt Russell feature in the film.

Martin (Beau Knapp) is sent to his hometown after reporting a $7 billion corporation for breaking anti-money laundering (AML) standards. There, he reunites with Earl, a computer prodigy who surreptitiously mines cryptocurrencies.

Martin chooses to analyze the bank’s records to prevent money laundering, which prompts him to probe into an art gallery. Martin discovers a billion-dollar money-laundering scheme using cryptocurrencies with his boyhood friend’s hacking talents, putting his life and the people he cares about in danger.

Trust Machine: The Blockchain Story (2018)

If you’ve ever been fascinated by the events that led to the creation of cryptocurrencies, Trust Machine: The Story of Blockchain should be on your list of films to see.

The film, directed by Alex Winter, discusses the origins and applications of blockchain technology. It also demonstrates how the government was taking an antagonistic attitude to modern technology that it cannot control or does not fully comprehend, with blockchain technology being a prime example.

Isn’t it amazing to consider how such intricate networks as Blockchain came to be? Or do you want to learn about the adventure of creating a network that can aid in the seamless execution of crypto-asset operations that we can enjoy?

If any of these thoughts come to your mind, the movie Trust Machine: The Story of Blockchain can provide answers. This crypto video will undoubtedly assist you in exploring the different technical and logical components of blockchain networks. If you want to understand more about the logical aspects of blockchain networks and the origins of the crypto world, Alex Winter’s crypto movie is an excellent place to start.

“TRUST MACHINE is the first blockchain-funded, blockchain-distributed, and blockchain-focused documentary from entertainment tech startup SingularDTV and Futurism Studios,” one critic said. The feature documentary investigates the growth of cryptocurrencies, Blockchain, and decentralization, as well as the technology’s significance in tackling pressing real-world issues such as world hunger and economic inequality.” To us, this seems like a win.

Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It (2015)

Torsten Hoffmann’s debut documentary, Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It, is worth your time, despite being the oldest inclusion on our list (and we all know how rapidly the crypto industry can evolve). Instead of starting with Bitcoin, Hoffmann begins with the origins of commerce, tracking it back to ancient barter systems.

In the present, Hoffmann focuses his filmic attention on the problematic position of governments and financial organizations in creating Money, as well as how these institutions might induce inflation through their acts. Even if you believe you know everything there is to know about Money, you should watch this film!

The End of Money as We Know It is another must-see film regarding crypto assets. This crypto film exposes the actions of central banks and the financial industry that contributed to the world’s financial catastrophe. Aside from that, the government’s involvement in money creation is emphasized, as is the central bank’s operation and how it may contribute to inflation.

The crypto film investigates why and how Bitcoin can influence the traditional financial system. Torsten Hoffmann also interviewed various specialists and prominent people in the crypto asset trading industry to give a more comprehensive understanding of the market.

“This film demonstrates how much money we spend today is generated out of nothing by banks whenever they create debt,” Hoffmann concludes. This epic film investigates the patterns of technological advancement and calls into question everything you thought you understood about Money. Is Bitcoin a viable alternative to debt-backed national currencies? Will Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies usher in a new era of peer-to-peer money transfer? Is it a present for criminals? Is it the next bubble about to pop? If you believe in your Money as it is, this film has bad news for you.”

Banking on Bitcoin (2016)

Banking of Bitcoin, a documentary produced by Christopher Cannucciari in the year 2016, covers the foundations of Bitcoin as well as the enigmatic identity of its founder. It also investigates all facets of the Bitcoin business and potential roadblocks to mainstream adoption.

Do you want more of the same? Not exactly. Cannucciari’s documentary effectively dramatizes the stakes of an ideological war. Take the film’s teaser: “Bitcoin is the most disruptive technology since the Internet, now an ideological fight is beginning between fringe utopists versus mainstream capitalism. The video depicts the people who are shaping how this innovation will affect our lives.”

Cannucciari’s documentary has the advantage of taking you behind the scenes, delving further into the many individuals participating in the high-stakes business of crypto and its evolution.

The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin (2014)

This bitcoin film explains why Bitcoin exists and how it became the world’s largest cryptocurrency. Furthermore, the plot depicts the narrative of the first Bitcoin users. Gavin Andresen is one of them.

Gavin Andresen portrays his opportunity to personally contact Satoshi Nakamoto in The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin. Later on, he became sophisticated and established his engagement in the Bitcoin community to further Bitcoin’s ideas.

This crypto film is a 2014 American movie directed by Ben Bledsoe and produced by Patrick Lope. The video included interviews with firms and individuals who have played important roles in developing Bitcoin crypto and other cryptocurrency assets.

The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin will provide you with a realistic depiction of what transpired when Bitcoin initially entered the market. In this regard, the movie will assist you not only in learning about digital assets but also blockchain networks.

Netflix Explained: Cryptocurrency

Assume you do not wish to spend hours viewing someone discuss cryptocurrencies. It would be best if you simply had an overview of how Blockchain is transforming our world as soon as feasible. In that case, you should watch the Crypto episode of Netflix’s Explained series.

The developers can tell you all you need to learn about crypto tokens and the universe behind them in this 14-minute short. Because of what we witnessed, it is a great film, and we frequently wished it was more than 14 minutes. If you’re in a hurry, don’t look further than this.

Hodl (2020)

Hodl is a short film in English about a young guy whose life changes after receiving presents from his uncle. What makes the gift even more spectacular is that it includes fishing poles, a deer head toy, and 55,000 BTC acquired in 2010. In three and a half minutes, Hodl’s comedic video will explain how a large quantity of Bitcoin might vanish due to a single act of negligence.

Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King (2022)

Netflix launched Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King on March 30, 2022. This crypto film tells the story of Gerry Cotten, the founder of a crypto exchange who died mysteriously. Numerous investors were also harmed by Gerry’s firm’s loss of Money, which totalled USD 250 million.

Gerry Cotten’s untimely death inspired a flurry of conspiracy tales and sleuths. Those who enjoy documentaries about murder and cryptocurrencies might watch Trust No One: The Hunt For the Crypto King.

The Blockchain and Us: One of the Top Crypto Movies

Manuel Stagars’ documentary, The Blockchain and Us, focuses on describing blockchain technology and investigating the possible social and economic implications it might have on the globe if properly implemented. Because it does not focus on the technical components of blockchain technology, the documentary is not meant to serve as an introduction to it. Instead, the film provides a thorough explanation of blockchain technology that is “far from hype” and “starts a dialogue about its larger ramifications” in many parts of our society.

Magic Money: The Bitcoin Revolution

Magic Money, one of the most popular cryptocurrency movies, delves into the mysterious origins of Bitcoin. It follows Bitcoin superstars Roger Ver and Tony Vays as they investigate the world’s first virtual Money, Bitcoin, and its function in society, and how this digital Money might impact the future of our planet. Citizens, not banks or governments, now control the movement of Money for the first time in history. 

Open Source Money: Best Cryptocurrency Documentary

On April 7, 2020, the cryptocurrency documentary series “Open Source Money” premiered. It acknowledges a key US blockchain technologist while charting the emergence of cryptocurrencies and the hurdles faced by blockchain technology networks in the US.

This series looks at the emergence of Dragonchain, a Disney-incubated blockchain startup, as well as the international growth of cryptos and blockchain technology. You might want to check out my other post on the greatest money-making applications.

The Bitcoin Phenomenon

This Bitcoin documentary, produced by, investigates the history, beliefs, and friction between the early adopters’ politics and the VCs and business people seeking to popularize Bitcoin.

The Bitcoin Phenomenon begins with a detailed history of Bitcoin as well as the technology that underpins it. The interviews describe a few essential phrases that even seasoned users may find puzzling while also giving personal experiences of how they became “hooked” on Bitcoin.


Future cryptocurrency movies and films will undoubtedly investigate the newest advancements, debates, legislation, and rags-to-riches stories as crypto continue to acquire worldwide attention. However, understanding history is necessary before learning about the future. These documentaries and videos do a fantastic job of elucidating the complexity and controversies around crypto and the underlying blockchain network that makes it all possible. Grab some popcorn, settle in, and enjoy!

Vitalii Mikheikin

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